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Moneel Patel

Software/Hardware Engineer Developer

Moneel Patel

Software/Hardware Engineer Developer Student

Hi! My name is Moneel Patel. As an undergraduate at The University of Texas at Austin, I'm studying Electrical and Computer Engineering, focusing on Software Engineering and Embedded Systems. Eager to apply my knowledge to real-world scenarios, I am seeking Summer 2024 internships in both tech and finance. With a passion for learning and product design, I aim to transition into roles involving embedded C software, C++, FPGA, or quantitative analysis after deepening my understanding of electrical engineering, math, and finance.

Moneel Patel

Software/Hardware Engineer Developer Student

About Me

Hi! My name is Moneel Patel. As an undergraduate at The University of Texas at Austin, I'm studying Electrical and Computer Engineering, focusing on Software Engineering and Embedded Systems. Eager to apply my knowledge to real-world scenarios, I am seeking Summer 2024 internships in both tech and finance. With a passion for learning and product design, I aim to transition into roles involving embedded C software, C++, FPGA, or quantitative analysis after deepening my understanding of electrical engineering, math, and finance. I am incredibly fortunate to be at UT Austin, working with such amazing people, and I am always ready to take on new and exciting projects. Cheers!

Technical Skills

  • Software Development
  • Embedded Systems
  • Web Development
  • Game Development
  • Product Development


ARM Assembly

Education Timeline

  • 2022 - 2025

    University of Texas, Austin

    Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • 2018 - 2022

    Seven Lakes High School

    Rank: 8/954

Working Timeline

  • May 2023 - Aug 2024


    Software Engineering Intern
  • Jan 2023 - Present

    Mobile Persuasive Computing Lab, UT Austin

    Undergraduate Research Assistant
  • May 2023 - July 2023


    Software Engineering Intern
  • Jan 2022 - May 2022

    Arion Blue

    Software Engineering Intern
  • Jun 2021 - Aug 2021


    SEES Urban Heat Island Effect Research Intern
  • May 2020 - Jul 2020

    Destined for X


My My Previous Employers

Written Recommendations

Engineering Portfolio

Latest News

In April 2022, I received exciting news that I was selected as the recipient of a scholarship offered by the Texas Exes Katy Chapter, a community organization associated with The University of Texas at Austin. The scholarship is a one-time award aimed at supporting local students attending the university.

Receiving the award notification was an incredibly proud moment for me. Terri Keith, the Scholarship Chair, warmly congratulated me and shared the organization's enthusiasm for supporting my journey at the University of Texas.

My interaction with the Texas Exes Katy Chapter did not stop there. I am thrilled to share that I was invited to participate as a panelist in the organization's Student Send-Off event in July 2022. The event serves as a platform for current students like myself to share our college experiences and insights with incoming freshmen.

Another notable moment came when I found out that I was featured in a newsletter with a photograph alongside University of Texas President, Jay Hartzel. Seeing our picture and knowing the impact we're making on the university community filled me with a sense of accomplishment and pride.

The Texas Exes Katy Chapter continues to work tirelessly to support local students attending the University of Texas at Austin, contributing immensely to the cultivation of future leaders and innovators.


As part of my academic journey, I had the opportunity to dive deep into an Advanced Placement course known as AP Research. This class, unlike any other, proved to be an incredibly enriching experience. It tested my perseverance, critical thinking, and, most importantly, my ability to independently explore a complex research topic.

The focus of my research revolved around the phenomenon known as the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE). For the uninitiated, UHIE is an occurrence where urban areas are significantly warmer than their rural surroundings due to decreased vegetation and increased artificial surfaces. My interest in this topic led me to explore the relationship between particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5), land surface temperature (LST), and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI).

Throughout the process, I had to present my progress, conduct thorough analysis of my research, apply various statistical methods, and meticulously plan and structure my paper. This experience required immense discipline, patience, and the ability to adapt and re-strategize my approach based on the emerging data and results.

The subject of my study was the Greater Austin, Texas region. I chose this region due to the lack of published research on UHIE in this area. With the help of spatial modeling techniques, I processed recorded Landsat 8 satellite data and obtained PM2.5 data from the small sensor aerosol monitoring network known as PurpleAir. After analyzing the spatial patterns and variability of the data, I gained invaluable insights into the UHIE of Austin.

The results of my study indicated a negative correlation between NDVI and LST (R=-0.602) as well as NDVI and PM2.5 (R=-0.276). There was a positive correlation between LST and PM2.5 (R=0.155). These findings provided preliminary evidence that PM2.5 levels could intensify the UHIE, suggesting that urban areas with dense artificial land cover are likely to produce higher surface temperatures. I concluded my research with a recommendation for further investigation into UHIE in the Greater Austin, TX area and other similar regions.

This research journey was not without its fair share of challenges. However, my passion for the subject and the guidance of my teacher, Mr. John Mitchell, helped me navigate these hurdles. His constant encouragement and insightful feedback were invaluable to my progress. As a testament to my hard work and the skills I demonstrated during the course, I was deeply honored to receive an award for outstanding work in the class from Mr. Mitchell. This recognition reaffirmed my commitment to rigorous research and pursuit of knowledge, making the journey in AP Research a truly rewarding experience.


The present research paper was developed as an individual project for my Advanced Placement (AP) Seminar class. An AP Seminar is a program developed by the College Board which provides high school students the opportunity to carry out individual research projects on topics of their interest. While each student conducts an independent investigation, these projects are collectively analyzed to incorporate various perspectives on the same issue, culminating in a group presentation. This process aims to develop skills in research, analysis, evidence-based arguments, collaboration, writing, and presentations. The quality and depth of the research, combined with the rigorous standards of the course, are reflected in my achievement of a perfect score of 5 on the AP Seminar exam.

This research paper examines the complex issue of the California housing crisis, scrutinizing it from multiple perspectives and proposing potential solutions to alleviate the situation. The topic was chosen due to its significant relevance in today's societal landscape, as housing affordability continues to be a pressing concern not only in California, but in urban areas worldwide. The research endeavors to shed light on the root causes of the crisis, its economic implications, and the policy measures necessary to alleviate its impacts.

Drawing from an extensive pool of resources, including academic articles, government reports, and statistical databases, the paper provides an exhaustive analysis of the Californian housing crisis. Furthermore, by incorporating the perspectives of economists, home builders, and the homeless, the paper encapsulates the multifaceted nature of the issue. Such a comprehensive approach ensures that the discussion is not only informative, but also practical, as it suggests potential policy reforms that could provide respite to the current crisis.

Thus, this research paper, coupled with the insights derived from my peers' investigations, serves as a testament to the rigorous academic skills developed in the AP Seminar course and exemplifies the capacity to synthesize complex information into an accessible and engaging format. The perfect score achieved on the AP Seminar exam is a testament to the quality of this research and the skills I have gained in the process of conducting it, as well as the collective effort of the group presentation.


"Technology and Health: Effects of Wearable Fitness Trackers" is a comprehensive individual written argument created for the Advanced Placement (AP) Seminar class. The paper masterfully explores the intricate interplay between technology, health, and human behavior, specifically focusing on the effects of wearable fitness trackers on America's perception of physical and mental well-being.

The argument crafted is both timely and relevant, given the increasing prevalence of technology in our daily lives, and specifically, its role in health and fitness. The author's ability to weave together multiple layers of the discussion - from the influence of technology on the obesity crisis to its psychological impacts, and the contentious topic of data privacy - speaks volumes about their research capabilities, critical thinking, and synthesis skills.

In addition to this in-depth research paper, the author also created a high-quality presentation that further demonstrated their understanding of the topic and their ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. This pairing of written and oral communication is a crucial aspect of the AP Seminar course and exam, making the process rigorous and multifaceted.

The thoroughness of the research, the clarity of the arguments, and the polished presentation paid off significantly, as the author achieved a score of 5 on the AP Seminar exam. This is the highest possible score, reflecting the outstanding quality of their work and their deep understanding of the subject matter. Their achievement illustrates the successful application of the AP Seminar's core skills - research, analysis, evidence-based arguments, and creative communication - and sets a strong foundation for future academic success.


During my high school years at KatyISD's Miller Career and Technology Center, I was deeply involved with the Professional Advancement and Career Experience (PACE) program. The PACE program was an integral part of our high school curriculum, designed to promote career readiness and practical knowledge among students. It comprised in-depth classes, hands-on workshops, and lectures from professionals in various fields.

In this program, students like myself had the chance to explore potential career paths, learn practical skills, and gain valuable insights into the professional world. One of the significant accomplishments in the program was the introduction of an advanced module on Cybersecurity. This class was widely appreciated among students and provided a deep understanding of an increasingly important field.

In addition to class-based learning, the PACE program also encouraged mentorship. Senior students had the opportunity to guide junior students, fostering a culture of knowledge sharing and camaraderie. This initiative greatly bridged the gap between different grade levels, creating a more supportive learning environment.

The PACE program was not limited to the school premises. We collaborated with external organizations and industry experts for guest lectures and workshops. This ensured a broader exposure to real-world scenarios and industry trends, which was beneficial in keeping us updated with the latest developments in various fields.

Being a part of the PACE program at KatyISD's Miller Career and Technology Center was an enriching experience. It allowed me to gain practical knowledge and skills, preparing me for future professional opportunities. It also taught me the value of continuous learning and development, which continues to guide me in my career path.


My journey at Seven Lakes High School was not only marked by active participation in extracurricular activities but also by an unwavering commitment to academics. In pursuit of a comprehensive and challenging educational experience, I undertook an extensive array of Advanced Placement (AP) and Pre-AP courses. In total, I completed 18 AP courses and sat for 17 AP exams.

Beyond AP courses, I embraced the challenge of 12 Pre-AP courses, which provided a solid foundation in a range of subjects and helped me develop critical thinking skills. I also enrolled in other classes, bringing my total course load to 29. This rigorous academic schedule allowed me to explore and excel in a variety of fields, from humanities to sciences.

Despite the demanding nature of these courses, I managed to balance my academics with several leadership roles in clubs like Robotics, TSA, and FBLA. I initiated and participated in various independent projects to enhance my skills in computer science and cybersecurity. I also aimed to create a conducive learning environment for fellow students interested in STEM, which involved organizing workshops, coding boot camps, and interactive sessions.

In addition to my academic pursuits, I recognized the importance of social responsibility. Thus, I participated actively in volunteering and outreach activities, with a commitment to make a positive impact on my community.

My time at Seven Lakes High School, thus, was marked by a holistic educational experience that combined rigorous academics, practical skills, leadership roles, and community service. It set the stage for my future endeavors, helping me to develop a well-rounded skill set and an enduring passion for learning.

Rank: 8/954 (top 0.839%)

FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC - Electrical and Fundraising Director), Technology Student Association (TSA - President), Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), USA Computing Olympiad (USACO), Science National Honor Society (SNHS), National Honor Society (NHS)

Courses: AP Computer Science A, AP Computer Science Principles, KAP Computer Science Data Structures, KAP Computer Science Independent Study (Full-Stack Development), AP Physics C Mechanics, AP Physics C Electricity & Magnetism, AP Seminar, AP Research, AP Statistics, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Art History, AP English Literature, AP English Language, AP Psychology, AP U.S. History, AP Human Geography, AP Microeconomics, AP Macroeconomics, GT Independent Study and Mentorship, Global Business